POUND/YEN has retraced and seem to have found resistance. I have decided to pull the trigger on my short. I have a very wide stop on this trade because it is a long term play. Slightly in the profits so far. I have a tendency to exit my trades too early and this is going to be my biggest challenge in this position.
The US dollar looks to have topped out and now looks bearish again. looks shortable here and long gold and other commodities.
Hey bro, been moving for the past week. Took a couple losses and decided this might be a payback part of cycle so took a week off. Im half way finished with Bo Yoders book. Some good information in there. One of the more helpful books Ive read regarding sticking to your guns when in trades. Something I have been having problems with is sticking to the trade a I exit early on profits. So, this gave me some insight on how to deal with the psychology behind this.
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