Monday, October 27, 2008

American economy worst in the world?? I think not.

Markets are going insane.. or are they? We have seen the US dollar rally against the Euro almost limitlessly as it has dropped 4000 points over the last few months and continues to break new highs. The equities market has insanely reversed and left hedge funds constantly disappointed. But is it really that crazy? Is it really that amazing that the US Dollar continues to rally? Why is it rallying?

Well it doesn't surprise me. You see, over the last couple of years the United has been heading towards a recession. During 2007 we watch the Euro rally extensively against the dollar. We watched the British pound dominate the market over the last few years. Why? Yes, interest rates have a lot to do with it, but realize that at this moment the US Economy has one of the lowest interest rates ever and we still may need more cuts.

We are breaking strong technical levels, but fundamentally the time was due. British and Euro economy have been extremely overbought over the last couple years and all it really took was recognition for people to wake up and smell the coffee. These moves are absolutely fundamental moves helping to push technical levels.

Also.. It is not just the United States that is in the crapper right now, it is the entire world. Did we know that rest of the world was doing so badly? No! We had no idea. Japan just recently admitted it is headed into a recession... People are always talkeing so negatively about the United States; however, it is because any time the United States has the smallest problem, we have people jumping all over it and trying to fix it. USA is still the best in the world, believe it or not. Yes we have a Federal Defecit and are constantly borrowing money from Japan, but our role in the world is so important that as soon as we start to show red, the whole world shows red also. We are the center piece of globalization and everything fails along with us.

Another huge reason the US Dollar is rallying is because the FDIC's move to insure up to 250k dollars. Why is this important? Well, earlier I said that the US is still the strongest in the world. Meaning, that even our banks have a higher chance of holding up than other country's banks. So, people from other country's are moving money into the US in order to get the 250k FDIC insurance. This along with the low volume in the Forex market combined is what pushing the dollar so far! You would be surprised, many people that generally are a miniscule part of any major move in the Forex market are now big players. We have 1/5th the volume we normally do at this time in the market.

Let's keep it real people. Just because we as Americans are quick to point out our imperfections, doesn't necessarily mean the rest of the world is perfect.

I traded London again last night. Another great night. Japanese Yen and US Dollar continue to dominate. Let's hope we continue to see this volatility till Summer comes around.

Friday, October 24, 2008

New York Money is too wild. October 24th

The problem with New York money is that it has no idea what it wants to do with its money! We have a market full of scalpers and nothing ever moves in the right direction. One second its equities, next second it gold, then its the Euro, then Oil.

The Asian and London boys rock! I am never trading New York again. I got up to +1200 last night trading Asian and European session and New York took 400 of them back from me.

I have to say, I have never in my trading career experienced the volatility in the Foreign Exchange market that we encountered over the last 15 hours minus New York consolidation. Yes, I traded 15 hours and it was damned worth it. Just trading 100k lots at 800 points would have pulled in 8k last night..

Unfortunately, I didn't have the courage to use so much leverage but I can tell you that it was like a dream scaling into positions and adding to them at the exact right fib retrace and just watching it ACCUMULATE!

Gold Dollar Inverse Correlation

Alright folks. Took a trade tonight that gave me about 50 points. I thought I would post this trade to show the strong correlation between EUR/USD and gold.

My gold chart is the first one. As soon as I saw gold selling off, I knew that the dollar was going to rally as far as the sell off of gold continued. Literally 2 min after gold started dropping I was in the short eur.usd trade. Meaning I was using euros to buy dollars. I was in it from the beginning of the move. I exited when I saw gold making a higher low in the fib area and soon after the eur.usd pair did the same. Exit time.

Things are looking good. Markets are about 5x as volatile as they were 6 months ago. It has really been great. This crazy market is a great practice and signals are all over the place.

1st chart gold
2nd chart eur.usd

Friday, October 17, 2008

Friday. October 17th

Today was interesting. Started my morning off listening to s&p 500 Chicago pit. I realized something today. The overnight futures market turned red this morning prior to NY open. We've been in the red as of late, so, its not a surprise to see it red. However, shortly after open, it flies up!!! Listening to the pit I am hearing orders from Big players like JP and their orders right..
When you have huge players with tons of money (hedge funds), who are they going to sell their positions too.. They need to create a market. So, if I was a big hedge fund manager and I wanted to setup a frenzy that I can buy into or sell into.. What would I do?

I would short futures prior to NY Open and when the speculators see all this red during the open it creates a shorting frenzy! What happens.. Well, 30 min later the same Hedge fund that was shorting futures prior to open, runs in and starts longing and wiping all the short players off the table! These are the smart money players and you DO NOT want to play against them. First 30 of the day, even up to the first hour is too unpredictable..

Anyhow, we've seen equities holding up today.. Seen T notes drop as they should.. Meaning today was a good day for yen pairs to gain some speed up. (Yen Pairs means yen weakness) and I will tell you! We saw it for sure. I constantly longed gbp/jpy and usd/jpy today. I reloaded on pullbacks and sold on 5 8 crossovers. Really, great day!

Heres a picture of my current trade. Sorry, its hard making charts for every trade I make.
This one is a eur/usd short inside of a symmetrical triangle with downside bias. I am currently up 50 points or so..

Monday, October 13, 2008

Account Update.

Things are looking good so far. My account has grown about 5% since October 1st. I have seen people make 100% returns in a month. This would be amazing and why I prefer Forex to equities. You don't have to have a huge account to make nice returns because of the leverage you receive. I definitely recommend anyone who has had good success in equities market to give Forex a try.

Anyhow, I am sorry I haven't posted for a few days. This last week has been rough on me with school and trading. As we all know, we have a global economic disaster at hand which is creating fear among investors and speculators. It doesn't affect me and my market in any way. I am still able to profit-but it has been much more difficult. I had a couple days where I speculated like an investor instead of being the day-trader that I am and it cost me a bit. The day that the SEC removed the shorting ban, I was expecting a strong day for US Equities market. I decided to short US Dollar expecting that a strong stock market would decrease it's value like it should. Well, I placed my trade an hour before NYSE opened and place a 100 point stop. With a 100 point stop, my profit expectation is 300+ points. Somehow, I talked myself into believing this could definitely happen. My position size was only 35% of my full lot size. Unfortunately, that same day we saw the stock market drop like crazy! Good thing I had a stop right? Well, if I had placed my trade and actually paid attention to what was going on in the stock market, I could have stopped my position early; however, I placed my trade, placed my stop, and left for school.

That cost my account a bit more than I wanted it to. On the plus side, I gained around 150 points on a gbp/usd short at full size position.

It's been a little difficult staying focused on both school and economics of the world- so, I apologize to those of you who actually visit my site on a regular basis and don't see any updates.

I will try harder to post my trades and such as we move forward throughout the school term.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

exit trade

+89 points. Hit the major support area. I re-evaluated my strategy and decided that if it does break the monthly support, I will re-enter. Yes, this is my biggest problem as a trader. I plan for long term trades, but, as you can see, my trades are highly successful for big gains in a short amount of time.


So, I decided to buy a bunch of Japanese Yen using the US Dollar. For those of you who aren't into Forex market and maybe another instrument, this means that I am looking for the price on this chart to drop.

Here is a monthly and 5 minute chart.

monthly is in a descending triangle formation.
5 min has broken out of a descending triangle formation.
I am currently +45 on the trade.

Fed chair Bernanke stated possible fed cuts in future. Yen is strong right now.
This is the third time it is testing monthly support. I really do believe its gonna go under and we
are going to see some major JPY rallying.

I don't have a target for this. I will risk a good 30 points and just sit on this for a while hopefully.
If all goes to planned and usually it doesn't because I get scared, I should walk out of this one with a nice profit.