Friday, October 24, 2008

Gold Dollar Inverse Correlation

Alright folks. Took a trade tonight that gave me about 50 points. I thought I would post this trade to show the strong correlation between EUR/USD and gold.

My gold chart is the first one. As soon as I saw gold selling off, I knew that the dollar was going to rally as far as the sell off of gold continued. Literally 2 min after gold started dropping I was in the short eur.usd trade. Meaning I was using euros to buy dollars. I was in it from the beginning of the move. I exited when I saw gold making a higher low in the fib area and soon after the eur.usd pair did the same. Exit time.

Things are looking good. Markets are about 5x as volatile as they were 6 months ago. It has really been great. This crazy market is a great practice and signals are all over the place.

1st chart gold
2nd chart eur.usd

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