Monday, October 13, 2008

Account Update.

Things are looking good so far. My account has grown about 5% since October 1st. I have seen people make 100% returns in a month. This would be amazing and why I prefer Forex to equities. You don't have to have a huge account to make nice returns because of the leverage you receive. I definitely recommend anyone who has had good success in equities market to give Forex a try.

Anyhow, I am sorry I haven't posted for a few days. This last week has been rough on me with school and trading. As we all know, we have a global economic disaster at hand which is creating fear among investors and speculators. It doesn't affect me and my market in any way. I am still able to profit-but it has been much more difficult. I had a couple days where I speculated like an investor instead of being the day-trader that I am and it cost me a bit. The day that the SEC removed the shorting ban, I was expecting a strong day for US Equities market. I decided to short US Dollar expecting that a strong stock market would decrease it's value like it should. Well, I placed my trade an hour before NYSE opened and place a 100 point stop. With a 100 point stop, my profit expectation is 300+ points. Somehow, I talked myself into believing this could definitely happen. My position size was only 35% of my full lot size. Unfortunately, that same day we saw the stock market drop like crazy! Good thing I had a stop right? Well, if I had placed my trade and actually paid attention to what was going on in the stock market, I could have stopped my position early; however, I placed my trade, placed my stop, and left for school.

That cost my account a bit more than I wanted it to. On the plus side, I gained around 150 points on a gbp/usd short at full size position.

It's been a little difficult staying focused on both school and economics of the world- so, I apologize to those of you who actually visit my site on a regular basis and don't see any updates.

I will try harder to post my trades and such as we move forward throughout the school term.

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